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The research program is so comprehensive that it is far beyond the possibility of a single research institute or some bilateral cooperation but requires various institutes joining their experimental, computational, and theoretical capabilities. The research unit brings together experts from meteorology, physics, fluid dynamics, and mathematics in an interdisciplinary group with expertise covering all essential methodological aspects of the topic, i.e. measurements and their interpretation, computational modeling, and theory, which are needed for substantial progress in the treatment of GW dynamics in models.The following institutions participate:

Institut fuer Atmosphaere und Umwelt, Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt

Prof.  Ulrich Achatz (3DMSD, SI, SV, GW_ICE)       Dr. Georg Sebastian Völker (3DMSD)
Dr. Gergely Bölöni (3DMSD, SV)                            Dr. Young-Ha Kim (SV)
                                                                           Steffen Hien  (SI)
                                                                           Dr. Junhong Wei (3DMSD)

Institut für Energie- und Klimaforschung, Forschungszentrum Jülich

Dr. Peter Preusse (SV)                                            Dr. Manfred Ern
                                                                              Isabell Krisch
                                                                              Cornelia Strube

Institut fuer Physik der Atmosphaere, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen

Prof. Markus Rapp (PACOG)                                    Dr. Bernd Kaifler (PACOG)
Dr. Andreas Dörnbrack (GW-TP)                               Robert Reichert (PACOG)
                                                                             Benedikt Ehard (PACOG)
                                                                             Sonja Gisinger (GW-TP)

Leibniz Institut fuer Atmosphaerenphysik, Kuehlungsborn

Prof. Franz-Josef Lübken (PACOG)                            Dr. Irina Strelnikowa (PACOG)
Dr. Christoph Zülicke (SI)                                           Lena Schoon (SI)
Prof. Erich Becker (GWING)                                      Kathrin Baumgarten  (PACOG)
Prof. Jorge L. Chau (PACOG)                                    Jens Söder (PACOG)
Dr. Gunter Stober (PACOG)                                       Sven Wilhelm (PACOG)
Dr. Gerd Baumgarten (PACOG)                                  Raimund Wörl (PACOG)
                                                                               Harikrishnan Charuvil Asokan (PACOG)

Institute of Computational Science, Universita della Svizzera Italiana (USI), Lugano, Switzerland

Prof. Illia Horenko (SI)                                               Dr. Olga Kaiser

Department of Research and Development, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach

PD Dr. Günther Zängl (GWING)                                   Dr. Sebastian Borchert

Max-Planck-Institut fuer Meteorologie, Hamburg

Dr. Hauke Schmidt (GWING)                                     Dr. Claudia Stephan
Dr. Elisa Manzini (GWING)                                        Dr. Guidi Zhou

Department of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics, Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus

Prof. Uwe Harlander (SI)                                             Dr. Ion Dan Borcia
                                                                                Costanza Rodda

Institut für Mathematik, Freie Universität Berlin

Prof. Rupert Klein (3DMSD, GW-TP)                             Mark Schlutow (3DMSD)
                                                                                 Christopher Puetz (GW-TP)

Institut fuer Physik der Atmosphaere, Universitaet Mainz

Prof. Peter Spichtinger (GW-TP)                                   Niklas Ehlert
                                                                                  Vera Bense